Winter 2023 Color Guide: Color in the UK

Winter 2023 Color Guide: Color in the UK
Gorgeous palettes, shades, and treatments are curated in this 50+ page downloadable PDF.
The report includes 70+ hand-selected chips identified with easy-to-use HEX color codes. Give your work some UK Chic with this thrilling paintbox of color.
These palettes paint vivid narratives that reflect the UK’s rich history and diverse cultural influences, and that tell stories of gardens in bloom or misty landscapes. Classical colorways transport us through eras, evoking nostalgia and historical resonance. And skillful application of color can bring new life to a classic design or add joy to a dreary interior.
Our expanded color guide includes insights from 11 influential design directors about how they use color and what inspires them.
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The info presented in this Color Guide is included in Report No. 19 UK Chic